• Question: What are the best subjects to take for GCSE if I want to be marine biologist

    Asked by anon-314163 on 10 Mar 2022.
    • Photo: Rebecca Davies

      Rebecca Davies answered on 10 Mar 2022:

      Science/Biology and Geography seem like a good fit, but I wouldn’t worry too much at the GCSE stage. College is usually where you narrow it down based on career path.

      If you’re really set on this career you could also look into getting some relevant work experience – even if it’s just following someone around at an aquarium or somewhere that sells aquatic animals. This would be great for future work.

    • Photo: Amy Worrall

      Amy Worrall answered on 10 Mar 2022:

      Biology for sure! Geography is also a great option- you get to learn a lot about coastal environments. I’d also take a language if you have the opportunity- there are plenty of places in the world that need marine biologists and if you speak a few languages it might help you out!

    • Photo: Emily Clarke

      Emily Clarke answered on 11 Mar 2022:

      Biology and Georgraphy would be good! But as others have said – at college or sixth form is where you really narrow it down specific to the degree you would like to go on to do.

    • Photo: Elpida Vounzoulaki

      Elpida Vounzoulaki answered on 11 Mar 2022:

      Biology definitely, however I am not by any means an expert in that. Sounds like a great career option! 🙂

    • Photo: Sophie Langdon

      Sophie Langdon answered on 11 Mar 2022:

      I would agree with everyone else’s comments, Biology and geography seem like they would be really suited and it’s always great to be able to speak another language and it could turn out useful in your chosen career path.

      When it comes to A-level choices (probably seems a long way off if you are just choosing GCSEs) I would have a look at the University selection criteria for the course you want to do. They often list if there are required or preferred subjects for you to be able to do that course so it’s good to check before 🙂

      Also just try and talk to people who work in the area, maybe get some work experience/shadowing if you are interested as that will be invaluable!

    • Photo: Chigozie Onuba

      Chigozie Onuba answered on 11 Mar 2022:

      I will say biology and geography and possibly a bit of chemistry not an expert in the area. But you will definitely need biology and geography.

    • Photo: Rebecca Locke

      Rebecca Locke answered on 16 Mar 2022:

      I’m not sure if it’s the same now as when I did my GCSEs, but I would definitely consider triple science (which includes biology), and I agree with the other answers that geography might be useful! If you want to go to university, A-levels in biology and another science like chemistry would be good choices. Best of luck to you in your career 🙂
